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Drones in Toulouse

D 3 octobre 2016    

Le Garden Workshop du GIS Micro-Drones aura lieu cette année sous le nom "Drones in Toulouse" les mardi 4 octobre et mercredi 5 octobre 2016 sur le thème :

"Les systèmes de micro-drones : technologies innovantes et nouvelles applications ".

Cette manifestation, organisée conjointement par le cluster « Robotics Place » et par le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Micro-Drones (ou « MAV Research Center » à l’international), se déroulera sur 2 jours avec, cette année, une invitation spéciale adressée aux chercheurs et entreprises de Languedoc-Roussillon lors d’une rencontre qui a eu lieu le 30 mai dernier à Montpellier, de mieux se connaître et de préparer l’avenir par une meilleure coordination de nos laboratoires et équipes de recherche.Le colloque annuel du GIS Micro-Drones se donne pour but de présenter un état de l’art en matière de recherches et d’innovation dans le domaine des micro et mini-drones, mais aussi d’exprimer les besoins opérationnels et mieux connaître les enjeux scientifiques liés à l’emploi des drones, en particulier dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’environnement et de la sécurité civile. L’objectif de cet événement, parrainé par la Fédération Professionnelle du Drone Civil et le Pole Aerospace Valley, est de créer un forum de discussion entre laboratoires de recherche et sociétés innovantes de la filière drone.

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Pour se rendre à l’ENAC le 4 oct. :,1.4791776,3a,75y,39.81h,86.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syvxjIL9d0CgpM2hi2wGAbQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Pour se rendre à l’aéroport de Francazal le 5 oct. :,1.3696114,3a,75y,316.38h,92.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sncnTP4_cj4onEvhckkhw1w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

La journée du 4 octobre aura lieu dans le superbe amphithéâtre Bellonte de l’ENAC et accueillera un panel exceptionnel de chercheurs internationaux venus des Pays-Bas, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne, d’Italie, de Suisse et de France. Elle comprendra également une table-ronde sur les nouveaux besoins des marchés et l’évolution des aspects règlementaires.

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Voici la dernière version du programme :

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Keynote speakers

Anibal Ollero
Professor at the University of Seville, Spain

« From flying photographers to aerial manipulation systems »

This talk will start by introducing flying systems interacting physically with the environment and then will concentrate on aerial manipulation systems, pointing out the involved methods and technologies. First aerial systems with a 6 or 7 degrees of freedoms will be presented. Secondly aerial bilateral manipulation systems will be introduced. The talk will also analyse the current state and gaps to be filled in control, perception and planning methods.

Head of GRVC at University Seville and Scientific Advisor of the Center for Aerospace Technologies CATEC. Anibal Ollero has been full professor at Universities of Santiago and Malaga (Spain), researcher at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA) and LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France). He authored more than 650 publications, led 150 projects including the recent FP7 European projects ARCAS and EC-SAFEMOBIL and the current H2020 AEROARMS. He is recipient of 16 awards, supervised 32 PhD Thesis and is currently chair of IEEE TC Aerial Robotics and UAVs, member of the euRobotics Board of Directors and coordinator of the Aerial Robotics Topic-Group, and president of SEIDROB, the Spanish R&D Robotics society.

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Stefano Mintchev
Research scientist at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

« Adaptive morphology for multi-modal drones »

Flying robots are increasingly adopted in search and rescue missions because of their capability to quickly collect and stream information from remote and dangerous areas. To further enhance their versatility, I am investigating drones that can adapt their morphology to perform different modes of locomotion and functions. I will start by describing an aerial and terrestrial robot with foldable wings. Then, I will present two enabling technologies for future multi-modal drones : foldable origami wings and variable stiffness materials for morphing structures.

Stefano Mintchev is a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He received a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2010. In 2014 he received a Ph.D. degree in bioinspired robotics from The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy. He is currently working in the field of aerial robotics focusing on multi-modal locomotion, morphing wings and new user interfaces for drones.

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Guido de Croon
Assistant Professor at the Micro Air Vehicle laboratory, TU Delft, The Netherlands

« New theory allows drones to see distances with one eye »

A new theory has been published that allows drones to see distances with a single camera. TU Delft’s Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory has found that drones approaching an object with an insect-inspired vision strategy become unstable at a specific distance from the object. Turning this weakness into a strength, drones can actually use the timely detection of that instability to estimate distance. The new theory will enable further miniaturization of autonomous drones and provides a new hypothesis on flying insect behavior.

Guido de Croon received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the field of Artificial Intelligence at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. His research interest lies with computationally efficient algorithms for robot autonomy, with a particular focus on computer vision and evolutionary robotics. From 2011-2012 he worked as a Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence at the European Space Agency. Since 2013, he is an assistant-professor at the Micro Air Vehicle lab of Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.

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Pascual Campoy
Professor at the University Politecnica of Madrid (UPM), Spain

« Vision on board the UAVs »

Pascual Campoy is Full Professor on Automatics at the Universidad Politécnica Madrid (UPM). He presently lectures on Control, Machine Learning and Computer Vision at graduated and post-graduated level. He has been in charge of assorted research projects regarding the introduction of Computer Vision techniques in the Industry, focused in three main application areas : Automated Visual Inspection, 3D Vision and Visual Information Management System. He has been leader of 7 Projects funded by the European Commission, 12 Spanish R&D projects and 13 projects contracted by the industry. He is inventor of 6 patents in the field of Computer Vision, registered in 13 countries in Europe and South-America. His research activities have been gathered in over 80 international publications in technical journals and symposia contributions. He was founder of the company I4 : Innovation in Industrial Images Inspection, which is a spin-off of the U.P.M. and it is aimed to transfer R&D results to the industry in the field of Machine Visio. He is presently leading a group for Vision on UAVs, that includes object tracking, visual control and guidance, visual SLAM, stereo and omni-deirectional vision. He is presently working on new learning paradigms for bio-inspired Neural Networks that are aimed to be used in image segmentation, image recognition, and image coding and retrieval.

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Florian Holzapfel
Professor at TU Munich & Director of the TUM Institute of Flight System Dynamics, Germany

« Integrated Control Strategy for Transition Vehicles »

Over the last couple of years, small drones have become very popular also for commercial or private purposes. Particularly multicopters with their VTOL capability and ease of handling have exploded in numbers. However, payload, endurance and range cannot be boosted by powered lift systems – here wingborne lift is more efficient. However, the need for take-off and landing infrastructure along with the higher complexity of operation have hindered such drones from becoming more popular. Transition drones promise to unify the best of both worlds – however their operation still proves to be too complex for untrained users. By means of a unified control strategy that is very robust and survivable and the collects all ways of flight in one basic mode, this barrier is to be removed. The presentation will introduce a control strategy specifically aiming at that point.

- 2000 – 2004 PhD student and researcher at the TUM Institute of Flight Mechanics and Flight Controls (Prof. Dr. Gottfried Sachs)

- 2004 Dr.-Ing. (PhD) – Nonlinear adaptive control of a UAV - awarded Willy Messerschmitt Award

- 2004 – 2007 Profject leader Flight Simulation and Flight Control at IABG mbH, Ottobrunn

- Since 2007 Director of the TUM Institute of Flight System Dynamics, Full tenured professor

- Associate Fellow of AIAA, Member of DGLR, Member of the DGLR senate, head of the DGLR subcommittee on flight control, member of the AIAA GNC TC, member of the CEAS GNC TC

- Main Interest – flight control and flight safety with a focus on application

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Tarek Hamel
Professor at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

« A control approach for aerial vehicles and some extensions to visual servo control »

Motivated by the emerging and rapidly growing market of small automatized aerial vehicles ranging from VTOL devices (helicopters, quadrotor vehicles,...) to small cruising airplanes, used for a multitude of applications (site surveillance, rescue missions, landscape mapping, aerial photography,...), this talk aims at presenting the basic principles of a unified approach for these devices which is both generic and adaptable to the specifics of each vehicle. First, structural properties of the aerodynamic force induced by the vehicle shape are pointed out and an expression of this force, depending essentially on the attack angle (especially for vehicles developed for cruising flight) when the sideslip angle is equal to zero, is worked out. Then it is shown how the sideslip angle can be stabilized at zero via roll feedback control. Once the sideslip angle vanishes, the aerodynamic force applied to the aerial vehicle becomes similar to the one applied to an axisymmetric vehicle, and hence the other control variables can be determined according to any nonlinear controller developed for VTOLs. The control design is exploited in the context of visual servo control for VTOL vehicles and complemented with simulations and experimental results.

Tarek Hamel graduated from the University of Annaba (Algeria) and received his doctorate degree in robotics from the University of Technologies of Compiègne (UTC), in 1991 and 1996, respectively. After two years as a research assistant at the UTC, he joined the Centre d’Etudes de Méanique d’Iles de France in 1997 as an associate professor. In 2003 he joined the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis as full Professor. His research interests include nonlinear control theory, estimation, and vision-based control with applications to unmanned aerial vehicles. He has been successful in applying his theoretical results in a wide range of practically motivated problems. He has strong connection with different companies in France (Bertin Technologies, Dassault Aviation, Thales, Infotran, Novadem) and with some important research centers in France (CEA, ONERA, INRIA). He has a strong record of successful collaboration leading to both strong industry outcomes and fundamental research results. He is currently Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Robotics and for Control Engineering Practice. He published more than 160 papers in leading journals and conferences, and awarded for ’Attitude Tracking of Rigid Bodies on the Special Orthogonal Group with Bounded Partial State Feedback’ by S. Bertrand, T. Hamel, H. Piet-Lahanier, and R. Mahony (CDC’2009). Finally, he is the head and founder of OSCAR team (5 permanent scholars) of the I3S-UNS CNRS laboratory since 2008).

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Lorenzo Marconi
Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy

« Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for supporting Search & Rescue Activities in the Alps : the SHERPA experience »

The goal of the talk is to present the research activity carried out within the European Project SHERPA ( dealing with the development of robotic systems for Search & Rescue in unfriendly environments with a particular emphasis on S&R operations on the Alps. The talk will start by presenting the different ground and aerial technologies developed in the project under the supervision of the end user CAI (Club Alpino Italiano), which is the organisation taking care of S&R on the Alps in Italy. Human-in-the-loop and control methodologies developed in SHERPA will be also discussed. In the second part the talk will show the experimental activity carried out with CAI. The use of drones for quick localisation of persons buried by avalanches will be in particular presented by showing the experimental activity supported by the end-user in real scenarios.

Lorenzo Marconi graduated in 1995 in Electrical Engineering from the University of Bologna. Since 1995 he has been with the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems at University of Bologna where is now Full Professor. He has held visiting positions at and collaborations with various academic/research international institutions. He is co-author of more than 200 technical publications on the subject of linear and nonlinear feedback design published on international journals, books and conference proceedings. He is also co-author of three international monographs. In 2005, he has been awarded jointly by Elsevier and the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) for the best paper published in the period 2002-2005 on ``Automatica". He is also the recipient of the 2014 IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award for the best paper published on the magazine in the period 2012-2013 on control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. He is the chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on ``Nonlinear Control Systems" and member of the IEEE Technical committee on ``Nonlinear Systems’’. He is member of the IEEE Control System Society, of the Control System Society Conference Editorial Board. Dr. Marconi has been the chair of the International Program Committee of the 8th IFAC Workshop on nonlinear control systems (NOLCOS) held at University of Bologna on September 2010. His current research interests include nonlinear control, output regulation and stabilisation of nonlinear systems, control of autonomous aerial vehicles, robust control, fault detection and isolation, fault tolerant control.

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Franck Ruffier
Research scientist at ISM, Marseille, France

« Biomimetic vision and Aerial robots »

Flying insects are endowed with several sensory modalities, but the optic flow appears to be the main cue for the vertical flight control [1, 2]. We showed recently that robots equipped with a new autopilot based on the optic flow regulators are able to control their course without requiring a state vector describing their absolute speed, position or altitude [3, 4, 5] : the robots trajectories mimick the insects trajectories even in the presence of wind [3, 5]. By applying optic flow criteria, these robots manipulate forces by the way of rotor and thruster speed and thus adjust their speed of flight, their lateral position or their altitude without any state vector [3, 4]. This optic flow based steering control system makes them avoid obstacles even in unstable environments without any need for maps [4] and even without any measurement and control of its absolute pitch [6].

References :
[1] G. Portelli, F. Ruffier, F.L. Roubieu, N Franceschini. (2011) "Honeybees’ Speed Depends on Dorsal as Well as Lateral, Ventral and Frontal Optic Flows" PLoS ONE 6(5) : e19486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019486
[2] G. Portelli, F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2010) "Honeybees change their height to restore their Optic Flow" Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Springer, 196(4):307-313
[3] F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2005) "Optic flow regulation : the key to aircraft automatic guidance" Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 50, No 4, 31 March 2005, pp. 177-194
[4] F. Ruffier, N. Franceschini (2014) Open Access "Optic Flow Regulation in Unsteady Environments : A Tethered MAV Achieves Terrain Following and Targeted Landing Over a Moving Platform" J. Intell. Robot Syst., Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10846-014-0062-5
[5] F. L. Roubieu, J. R. Serres, F. Colonnier, N. Franceschini, S. Viollet, F. Ruffier (2014) Open access "A biomimetic vision-based hovercraft accounts for bees’ complex behaviour in various corridors" Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, IOP, 9(3) 036003 (22pp)
[6] F. Expert and F. Ruffier (2015) Open access "Flying over uneven moving terrain based on optic-flow cues without any need for reference frames or accelerometers" Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, IOP, 10, 026003

Franck Ruffier received an engineering degree in 2000 and a Ph.D. degree from INP-Grenoble in 2004, as well as a habilitation to supervise research (HDR in French) from Aix-Marseille University in 2013. He was visiting scientist invited by Prof. Michael Dickinson, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA during 2 months in 2012 as well as in 2008 by Dr. T. Mukai at RIKEN, Nagoya, Japan. Franck Ruffier published more than 45 papers in international Journals and referred Proceedings (Web of Science) as well as 11 book chapters and he filed 8 patents. His present position is CNRS research scientist at the Institute of Movement Science (ISM). His main areas of interest are aerial robotics, insect visual guidance, and optic flow based control laws.

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Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Research Scientist at IRISA, Rennes, France

« Collective Control, State Estimation and Human Interaction for Quadrotors in Unstructured Environments »

This talk will give an overview of some recent theoretical and experimental results in the field of collective control for multiple quadrotor UAVs, with a special focus on decentralized state estimation and formation control exploiting onboard sensing and 1-hop communication. The possibility for a human operator to be in partial control of the quadrotor motion will also be considered, by discussing some possible shared control frameworks with the operator providing motion inputs and receiving a visual-force feedback informative of the group status. The talk will illustrate the nature and kind of problems addressed within this research line, by focusing on both theoretical analyses and experimental implementations, and then discuss some future research directions.

Paolo Robuffo Giordano is a CNRS researcher in the Lagadic Team at IRISA/INRIA in Rennes since December 2012. He received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from the Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", in 2001 and 2008. He was a PostDoc at the Robotics Institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) from 2007 to 2008, and then moved to the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, as Project Leader of the group Human-Robot Interaction from 2008 to 2012. His interests are in the general areas of robotics and nonlinear control. In particular, he has been working on kinematic and dynamical modeling of physical systems, motion control of fixed and mobile manipulators, visual servoing, nonlinear state estimation, nonholonomic systems, control design for VR applications, motion simulation technologies, aerial robotics, bilateral teleoperation, and multi-robot systems.

voir le programme et les présentations de l’an dernier
voir les photos de l’an dernier

La journée du 5 octobre qui se déroulera sur la future zone « Drone Village » de Francazal permettra aux participants, entreprises et laboratoires, de proposer des démonstrations en vol de drones dans le cadre de la manifestation « Human in Tech » proposée par la French Tech Toulouse. Elle permettra ainsi de concrétiser les efforts des autorités locales pour valoriser la zone « Village Robotique et Drones » et de mettre en avant l’ensemble des entreprises de la filière.

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Click here for registration

Registration fees :
- Members GIS Micro-Drones, members cluster Robotics Place, students : 50 euros/day (100 euros for 2 days)
- Non members (*) : 80 euros per day (160 euros for 2 days)

Exposition fees (applies to the company/institution as a whole) :
- Members GIS Micro-Drones, members cluster Robotics Place, students : free
- Non members (*) : 150 euros

(*) Bénéficiez du tarif réduit en renvoyant le bulletin de demande d’adhésion (gratuite) au GIS avant le 19 septembre 2016.

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