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Kinematic Modeling
You are here : Kinematic Modeling » Examples


D 28 February 2011    

This page gives access to several examples associated to the proposed software.

In this page, three examples can be found. For each one, the data file can help you to understand how to enter the input data. The main file gives an example of how to use the software and to compute its different functions.

Simple Example

This is a simple example of an epicyclic gear train with a bevel planet.

Car Differential Example

This is the example of the car differential. This is a very interesting example because this is a two degree of freedom system and so it has several behaviors.

Alouette’s Main Gear Box Example

This example is the description of a main gear box of an helicopter: it is a concrete example on which the research of potential vibration frequencies may be extremely useful. It is also interesting because the input and output axis of this system are non colinear.

Also in this section

Publications This page gives access to the submitted publication, " A General Method for Kinematic Modeling of Gear Mechanisms, (...)

Monday 28 February 2011
Download software This page gives access to the Matlab software downloads associated to the publication.

Monday 28 February 2011
Contacts Feel free to contact the authors of this publication.

Monday 28 February 2011
